Portage Central Mustangs

The Official Website of Portage Central Athletics

Girls Varsity Swimming


Number Name Position Year Height Weight Player Bio
InglesĀ  BalenĀ  Sr
Caitlynn Birkmeier Sr
Sidney Block Sr
Alexis Bucher So
Tavishi Budagavi Fr
Molly Carlson Jr
Kyra Clark Jr
Lauren Crump So
Rebecca Danapilis Fr
Malee Davis So
Oliva Davis Sr
Octavia Demmin So
Halie Dionne Fr
Fiona Doyle Fr
Aiyanna Durepo So
Mary Engle Jr
Maggie Farrell Jr
Farah Ghazal Jr
Megan Gibson So
Gabby Griffin So
Kate Helgeson So
Lauren Jacox Fr
Zoe Kalleward Jr
Marion Kerviche Sr
Isabel Kurien So
Shelby Leaf Fr
Gretchen Lepley Fr
Kate Lindsay So
Molly Longman So
Madi Mitchell So
Maya Morse Jr
Kaitlin Peot So
Arianna Potluri Fr
Lauren Rolfsen Fr
Julia Sainz Sr
Heidi Schwartz Sr
Julia Semler Sr
Skylar Shelner Jr
Emma Smith Sr
Lelia Smitley Fr
Sydney Sonday Jr
Anna Stratton Sr
Madeline Strauss Fr
Audrey Vermeulen Sr
Katie Walsh Fr
